Take control of your natural capital

Start by estimating your farm’s carbon footprint and potential earnings today with Rapid, our free carbon simulator

Rapid is a simulator tool from Trinity Natural Capital Group. The Group’s mission is to help boost the profitability and sustainability of agriculture.

Next you will find some details around two companies from the Group: Trinity AgTech and Trinity Natural Capital Markets.

Use Sandy to access natural capital markets to generate an additional source of income

Sandy, Trinity AgTech’s award winning software, helps you measure and optimise carbon, biodiversity, soil and water protection.
Use Sandy to transition towards greater profitability and business resilience.
Evaluate a range of monetisation options through provenance reporting, input optimisation, and natural capital markets.
Trade Natural Capital Safely, Ethically and Profitably.
Trinity Natural Capital Markets connects seamlessly to TrinityAgTech, so it is easy to generate and trade carbon reduction, retention and removal credits, and biodiversity tokens.
Rewards all farming systems. Enjoy the strongest legal underpinning
We have a policy of not leaving anyone behind. We cater for all farming types (organic, conventional, and regenerative) and all enterprise types (arable, horticulture, perennials, agroforestry, woodlands, peatlands, grasslands, and livestock).

Trinity offers the most robust risk management framework, in line with capital markets. We have mitigation measures against natural, model, contractual and counterparty risk, protecting both farmers and carbon credit buyers.
Unbiased science. Unreliant on cross-selling
Trinity is 100% independent of entrenched interests and agribusinesses. We don’t cross-sell. Our business model relies on an annual license and the world’s lowest commission: pay just 5% on the trade price.

Trinity follows the latest science available for carbon footprinting: tier 2 and 3 methodologies from the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

Discover your farm’s natural capital potential

Farms of all sizes & enterprises trust Sandy to navigate their natural capital, manage their sustainability journey, and build business resilience through new opportunities

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